ARX Equity Partners acquires Manag

ARX Equity Partners (“ARX”) has completed a management buy-in of a majority shareholdingin Manag a.s. (“Manag”).

Manag ( is a leading Czech company focused on design, manufacturing and assembly of electrical equipment, and related regulatory and control systems. The company is particularly strong in serving clients from refi nery, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Manag is also active in Slovakia through its local subsidiary.

ARX and Manag’s management team aim to expand the business organically as well as through complementary add-on acquisitions. „Manag has repeatedly won confi dence of its customers for whom Manag’s services are critically important from operational and safety perspective. The company is well-positioned to take advantage of its technical know-how to expand the business beyond its current narrow market niche.” says David Marek, ARX’s Partner who led the transaction.

Manag’s annual sales exceed € 10 million. Financial details of the transaction will not be disclosed.